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Error messages

Below is a table that contains the know error messages you might find in your way, along with the resolution.

Error/Notification messageCircumstances triggering alert
A new application release is available. Preparing to shut down and restart...That is just to let you know the application is about to install the latest update
Checking for updatesThis will show at login. Nothing to do on your end, just wait for any potential update
Connection refused - please ensure the SystmOne client is runningMake sure TPP is running.
Error fetching populationDouble check you have the right organisation selected in the Settings page
No updates found.Not so much an error, it just means you have the latest version of the application
Patient has no clinical taskWhen patient view is empty because unticked ‘show all’ button and all actions were green
Patient not found or has no relevant actionsThis patient does not have any monitoring needs and there are no actions to be carried out.
Patient task saved successfullyAll is good
SavingSaving the current page/record
Settings saved successfullyAll is good
'The EHR Interface has not been correctly initialised. Please make sure your EHR is running and restart your Abtrace Monitoring ToolMake sure your EHR provider (TPP or EMIS) is running
The Emis username cannot be emptyMake sure to fill in the Emis username you are using
The password cannot be emptyDid you forget to type in the password when restting the password?
The passwords do not matchMake sure the passwords are the same, when resetting the passwords
The username cannot be emptyMake sure to input a username when logging in!
There was an error saving dataPatient record may not have been updated correctlySomething went wrong. Try reopening the patient again and saving the changes you made

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